Making vegetables Salad This Monday,my mother and I make a plate of vegetables and fruit salad.First,we use the juicer to make the ice broken.Then we use the knife to cut the vegetables and fruits,making them become tube.Finally,we pour the ice and cream onto the salad.It looks so delicious.
以Hou to keep fit为题写一篇80词的英语作文,要求为1.多吃蔬菜水果,少吃零食,多喝水,少喝饮料,2每晚至少睡8小时、3.每天坚持运动半小时,英语不好的孩纸请绕道?
One way to keep fit is to sleep early at night and get up early in the morning.This ensures that the sleep hours are maintained at a good level.One also needs to exercise more to keep fit.But most importantly,one must eat more vegetables and fruits and try to stop consuming junk food.Finally,drink plenty of water